About me

Bert de Ruiter / Macro Wereld

Walking nature, the perfect way to recharge

my batteries.

Let me introduce myself.


My name  is Bert de  Ruiter, born in 1958 and living in the beautiful province Drenthe, Netherlands.

Even at a young age I could enjoy nature very intensely and I spended most of my spare time outdoors. 

At a certain moment my interest in photography was aroused and I even attended the school for photography for a year.

The passion for nature remained, but my interest in photography disappeared in the background.

Until the fall of 2011. Since then I have been working more and more on photographing nature and documenting everything that crawls, walks, flies, floats, forages and does.

A few years later I was increasingly advised to do more with my photos and this gave rise to the idea of building this website, a website with which I want to share my passion for nature with a larger audience. I started building this site in October 2015.

The name Macro World is inspired by the fact that the focus of my photography skills lies in capturing images

the camera of the smallest insects.

This does not alter the fact that if there is a bird, amphibian, flower, mushroom, etc. comes my way, I will also record it.

I hope that this website gives you an idea of what I encounter during my wanderings through nature.

Below a small preview of what you can expect ...

Common Spreadwing
Comma Butterfly
Orange tailed Mining Bee
Short-horned Grasshopper spec.
Wasp Spider