
Informational pages

Introduction, contact, disclaimer, news, updates, etc., .....

Through these informational pages I want to share some subjects, which do not involve photographing insects, birds,

etc., but information that concerns me, the website and more matters concerning the maintenance of this website.

This page is part of a major overhaul of my website which I started in August 2020, with this English version being a major part of it. So ..., work in progress. I will frequently post news about the latest changes on the Updates page.

Via de text below the photo, you will be redirected to the relevant page.

(Only the underlined texts are active links at the moment. Work in progress)

Introduction ...

A short introduction.

Who am I, what do I do,


Questions, comments,

reactions? Leave

a message down here.


Photo credits, copyright, etc.

Seems to be necessary.


News about the latest

developments on

my website.

Stay tuned for the

latest changes on

my website.


Which books do I use

as reference guide and for

determination issues?

Below some previews of what you might expect on my website ...